Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Simon Community Collection

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Simon Community collection which took place outside the school hall last week and to Mrs Heffernan and the Parents Association for organising the event. We are delighted to have raised a massive €685.04!!! No doubt this money will go towards helping those less fortunate have a better Christmas. 

Monday, 15 December 2014

School closure

School will close at 12pm on Friday 19th December for Christmas holidays. 

Monday, 8 December 2014

Simon Community Collection

Don't forget to support the Simon Community collection that will be taking place outside the school hall before and after the school plays. All donations, great or small, will be greatly appreciated.

Christmas Play Timetable

The sweet sound of nativity songs is echoing around the school at the moment as rehearsals are in full swing. Please see the timetable below for individual class productions!

Christmas Play Timetable
December 2014

Monday 8th
Tuesday 9th
Wednesday 10th
Thursday 11th
Friday 12th

Ms O Hora
(Room 6)


Ms O Brien
(Room 13)
Ms Ní Mhaonaigh
(Room 2)


Mrs Cummins
(Room 12)

Ms Feeney
(Room 5)
Mrs Cummins
(Room 17)


Mr Donovan
(Room 11)
Ms Regan
(Room 16)

Ms Meehan
(Room 14)


Ms Keane
(Room 15)
Ms Fagan
(Room 4)
Ms Hickey
(Room 10)

Mr Forristal
(Room 9)
Mrs Cleary
(Room 7)
Ms Harrington
(Room 8)

Ms O Brien
 (Room 3)