Introduction to our Amber Flag Project
We are very excited to announce that here at SS Peter and Paul JNS we are embarking on a new adventure. Following on from the success of the Active School Flag Initiative, we are now taking on the challenge of obtaining an Amber Flag.
The Pieta Amber Flag Initiative recognises the individual efforts of primary and secondary schools, youth reach, third level institutions, community groups, clubs and companies to create healthy, inclusive environments that support mental well-being. (Pieta)
For more information on the fantastic work Pieta are involved in, visit;
In 2019, the Department of Education and Skills and the Health Service Executive jointly launched "Well-Being in Primary Schools- Guidelines for Mental Health Promotion".These guidelines aim to promote mental health and well-being in primary schools.
It is recognised in these guidelines that positive mental health and well-being enables young people to lead fulfilling lives. Home and family are recognised as the primary source of nurturing and support for children. However, mental health and well-being are recognised as everyone’s concern and involves the whole school community, parents/guardians and others involved in day to day school life. Positive mental health for children is part of their overall health and is inextricably linked with well-being.
In order to promote positive mental health and well-being at SS Peter and Paul J.N.S., we have decided to take part in the Amber Flag initiative. This involves the whole school community coming together in order to create a safe, positive and healthy attitude towards our general physical and mental health and well-being. We have some great ideas on how to do this:
- Student Council-click here to see this year's representatives
- Rainbow Dress Up Day
- Mindful Space that includes a "Worry Well", Wellness Wall & Eco Garden
- Wellness Week
- Create an Amber Flag notice board in the hall that focuses on the concept "SHANARRI".
- Buddy Bench
- "Student Shout Outs" on classroom doors
- Team building activities undertaken through the SPHE and PE strands of the curriculum.
In order to undertake all these activities we have formed an Amber Flag Committee. This committee is led by staff and student council representatives coordinating this new initiative.
Rainbow Dress Up Day
As part of our Amber Flag initiative we were tasked with deciding on a fundraiser that would raise vital funds for Pieta to help them continue the amazing work they do supporting those suffering with poor mental health.
Seeing as it was National Mental Health Awareness Day on the 10th October 2020, the Amber Flag committee thought it would be a great idea to coincide with this date and do something that would lift everyone's mood and bring a bit of fun to the school.
Therefore we hosted our fantastic 'Rainbow Day' on the 9th October. We asked all the students and staff to come into school wearing their brightest coloured clothes and to each bring in €2.
We had such a fun day celebrating Rainbow Day. Ms Whelan, our principal, organised a 'socially distanced' disco on the yard where the children and staff got to let loose, forget all their worries and dance!
We were just amazed by not only the beautiful array of colours that came into the school but also by the generosity of our families who donated.
In total we raised €1235 for Pieta.
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed, you have made a real difference to someone's life.
Take a look at some of the fantastic outfits that were worn on our Rainbow Day and the fun we all had.
As part of the Amber Flag initiative we created a "Mindful Space" that includes a "Wellness Wall and Eco Garden", an "Enchanted Fairy Tree" and a "Worry Well" where the children can come wish their worries away into the well and the fairies will take them away. This area has proved to be a huge hit as the children can come here to relax and have mindful time when they need a break from the classroom.
The concept for this Mindful Space came from the 2nd class children, who were asked to come up with some ideas for the area.
Here are some of the fantastic entries that we used to come up with the concept for our Mindful Space.
We picked a drab area outside that was in need of a face lift to create our new relaxing space. We used some of the beautiful drawings that the 2nd classes did to come up with the theme of positive messages and a garden area that will have insect friendly flowers.
Over the midterm break Pshemeck, our caretaker, started by painted it white. Already it was a huge improvement.
Positive Pebbles
The first class children were then tasked with creating rock art that promoted a positive mental health message. These rocks/pebbles would then be placed into our Wellness area for everyone to see and enjoy.
A BIG thank you to Ms O Regan, along with Ms Donnelly and Ms Mannion who scoured the beaches of North County Dublin and gathered up over one hundred rocks and hauled them into school.
Each first class painted the rocks white to begin with and then thought of their own design to paint onto the pebbles. There were some fantastic creations, with one painted "A Hug For You" in reference to Adam from The Late Late Toy Show. 😊
Once they were brightly painted Mrs Heffernan varnished them to keep them safe from the elements outside. Our fabulous caretaker, Pshemeck, then cemented them into the ground and Mrs Heffernan finished off the area by painting the cement and adding a few sparkly stars.
Take a look at all the wonderful designs below. They capture the mood of a VERY strange 2020/2021, with their positive mental health messages. Hopefully in years to come we will look back at this year (and our pebbles) and remember how we all worked together to stay safe and protect our loved ones.
Eco Garden
Mindful Space
A rainbow was painted and the inspirational quote "Be a Rainbow, in Someone Else's Cloud" added to the wall. A lovely reminder every morning as we walk past it, to always spread happiness and try bringing a bit of joy to someone's life, as you never know what troubles and worries they may have. To add a sensory dimension to the rainbow, the Student Council added coloured lids, collected by the children, to the wall.
As we worked our way through yet another lock down, we were all very conscience of our young people's mental health. They have missed out on so much over the past year, with lock down birthdays, not seeing their grandparents, sporting activities and missing out on play dates with their friends. It is not surprising therefore, that so many are bound to carry with them worries and anxiety issues that they might find difficult to express. Looking through the 2nd class art entries, we found a lovely idea of a "Worry Monster", where you feed your worry to the worry monster. We loved the idea of having a physical output for the children to express their feelings.
The 2nd class children made these colourful creations to promote positive mental health messages in our school.
Be Creative, Be Happy, Be Kind and Be You
encapsulates everything we stand for here in SS Peter and Paul JNS.
The use of bright, vibrant colours to create these displays look especially effective against the black silhouette paintings Mrs Heffernan drew.
Wellness Week
As part of the Amber Flag application, one of the criteria is to hold a Mental Health Awareness Day. We decided to hold a Wellness Week where each day focused on our children's mental health and well-being.
We started off with Mindful Monday where first on the agenda was to get up and move around to music. The children and their families really enjoyed this.💃
You can listen to the song that got them all moving HERE
They were then asked to draw the word HAPPY on a page and think of all the things in their life that makes them happy. Have a look at all the fabulous pictures that were sent in. See can you spot your own.
For day two of our Wellness Week, the boys and girls were asked to remember everything they are thankful for. We are thankful for all our amazing, talented children that we have in our school. Well done everyone.
We all enjoyed some mindful colouring from Charlie Mackesy book ;The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse

Amber Flag Noticeboard
For the month of December the Senior Infants have been busy looking at all of their achievements.
Ms O'Brien's class thought carefully about all of the things that they are really good at.
Ms Meehan's class chose colours that reminded them of success and kindness and decorated a beautiful tree. Ms Harrington's children reflected on their great successes and drew them on trophies. Finally, Ms L. Cummins and her class shot for the stars and drew what they thought were their greatest achievements.
We are very proud of all the boys and girls in SS Peter and Paul's JNS, what a talented bunch!
The next indictator of SHANARRI is Nurture. Nurture means caring for and protecting someone or something as it grows. The second classes have been busy looking at this theme. They are exploring the concept by discussing the people that nurture us (our family, friends and teachers), the ways that we are nurtured at home (physically, emotionally and spiritually) and how we grow as people through this nurturing. Have a look at our display boards which the second classes have designed.