Tuesday, 28 February 2017

World Book Day

Thursday 2nd March is World Book Day.
The children are encouraged to bring their favourite book to school on this day for Drop Everything and Read.
We will also be running our annual World Book Day dress up competition where the children can dress up as their favourite book character. As usual there will be a prize for the best HOMEMADE book character costume.
We look forward to another successful and fun World Book Day.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Maths Week

This year Maths week ran from the 12th to the 16th October and was a great success. Once again all the pupils were engaged in maths activities to emphasise the fun and learning that can be enjoyed whilst doing maths. Some of the classes checked the yard looking for clues on their maths trails, counting shapes and measuring windows with their clipboards in hand. 
The junior classes visited the hall to avail of the many activities set up for them to enjoy, such as sorting socks into pairs, following patterns, finding shapes with mini-twister. The boys and girls had great fun acquiring maths skills in this fun environment.
The importance of maths in everyday life and in people's work was emphasised and the pupils were enthralled at how much maths actually surrounds them

 Mr Donovan's Class

 Ms Donnelly's Class

 Ms Fagan's Class

 Ms O Sullivan's Class

                                       Mrs Cummins' Class

                                    Mrs L Cummins' Class

We hope the children enjoyed all the fun activities and we encourage all the children to continue simple maths activities at home.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Healthy Eating

Well done to all pupils remembering to bring in only water or milk for their drink each day. This is a wonderful healthy change to our school policy.


Cake Sale

Cake Sale:
Our annual cake sale will take place in the school on Friday 17th of February which is always a great event in the school calendar. All donations of buns, cakes, slices and treats will be warmly received in the Hall on the morning of the 17th. Please note we are a nut free school and therefore to avoid nut ingredients in the items you send in. If sending treats into school in Tupperware/ lunchboxes please label them clearly for safe return. Each class will have a chance to visit the hall and pick some treats. The suggested donation for each child is €2.

Sing for Simon

Our Sing for Simon events in Ardgillan and Millfield shopping centre before Christmas were a huge success. The wonderful total of €1358.61 was raised. Sincere thanks to the choir, Ms. O’Brien, Mr. Donovan, Ms. Feeney, Ms. O’Sulllivan and all staff, parents and relatives who came to support on the day. 


Monday, 6 February 2017

Sam Maguire Visit

Today the Sam Maguire Cup came to visit us in SS Peter and Paul  JNS. Two players from the Dublin gaelic football team brought the trophy in along with Barry for us to see. It was very exciting! All the classes got their photo taken with the famous cup!. We shouted 'Up the Dubs!' in huge, loud voices! It was great fun! Well done to the Dublin team on winning The All-Ireland Football Championship this year!

Mrs Adderley's Class 

Ms Fagan's Class

Ms O Sullivan's Class

Mrs Cummins' Class

Mrs L Cummins Class

Friday, 3 February 2017

St Brigid's Day

St. Brigid's Day

1st February 2017
Today, is St Brigid's Day and in Ireland we know it as the first day of Spring. The children have been learning all about St Brigid and the special work she did. 
There are many spellings for her name - Brigid, Brigit, Bríd, Bridget and Bride. St Brigid was born near Dundalk in the 5th century and was important in spreading Christianity in Ireland. She died on February 1st. You can learn more about St Brigid by visiting the link below..
Ms Donnelly's Class and Ms Ni Mhaonaigh's class have made beautiful St Brigid's displays in the school hall. 

Mrs Cummins' 2nd class made St Brigid crosses.