Friday, 31 May 2019

Sports Day

Our annual Sports Day will take place on:
Tuesday 11th June for Senior Infants and 2nd Classes
Thursday 13th June for Junior Infants and 1st Classes. 
Image result for sports day

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Student Council plant flowers around the school

One of the suggestions that came from the Student Council was to have more plants and flowers around the school. So we decided to get our green fingers to work and start planting. Mrs Heffernan brought in some lovely colouful window boxes and asked Pshemeck, our hardworking caretaker, to cover the window sills with artificial grass. Then the student council started planting some lovely summer flowers. It will be their job to water them every day and look after them. Take a look at them below, don't they look so colouful and really brighten the place up!

Cillian and Robyn are doing a great job looking after our window boxes.


Next Pshemeck hung some lovely blooming hanging baskets at the front of the senior infant building. They really do add a splash of colour to the school. 

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Hall Noticeboards

We have some fabulous new hall noticeboards on display for the last term of the year. This term it was Rooms 12, 5, 8 and 4 turn to showcase their artistic talents. Each class created fantastic work, well done everyone!

Junior Infants
Ms Ní Mhaonaigh's Class
The children from Room 12 have been exploring the jungle theme through Aistear this month so they decided to create a fabulous jungle display after reading the story Rumble in the Jungle by Giles Andrae and David Wojtowycz. 

Senior Infants
Ms O Regan's Class
Ms O Regan's senior infants were exploring the medium of watercolour paints and created these colourful rainbows. It tied in with their SPHE lesson on friendship and carried the message "Always try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud".

First Class
Ms McNamee's Class
It was Ms McNamee's turn this term to display artwork in the hall. They created these fabulous sun and moon pictures to link in with their topic work in S.E.S.E. They used warm and cool colours in oil pastels and paint. They are very eye catching!

Second Class
Ms O Donnell's Class
Ms O Donnell's second class children designed some terrific turtles. They drew them out with pencil first and then painted them. Each one is unique.