Monday, 2 March 2015

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2015

Beidh Seachtain na Gaeilge ar siúl ón 1- 17ú Márta. We will celebrate Irish fortnight from the 1st- 17th of March. Representatives from each class will read “An Nuacht agus an aimsir” (the news & weather) over the school intercom each day. There will be a Seanfhocail (Irish saying) art competition for all classes. Teachers will be choosing “Gaeilgeoir an Lae” (Irish speaker of the day) during this time and the classes will be celebrating our beautiful language through rhyme, song and drama. The highlight of Seachtain na Gaeilge will be our annual “Lá Glas & Ceolchoirm” (Wear green & concert day) on Friday 13th of March. Pupils are encouraged to wear green/ the Ireland colours. Each class will be preforming songs and poems “as Gaeilge” for their peers and enjoying a Céilí Mór in the hall. Do try and practice “cúpla focail” at home. Thanks to Mrs. L. Cummins for co-ordinating our great schedule of Seachtain na Gaeilge events.