Monday, 8 June 2015

Sports Day

Our annual school Sports' Day will be held tomorrow, the 9th June, for the junior infant and first classes. Senior infants and second class will be having their Sports Day on Friday the 12th June (weather permitting).
To start the day,  we will be having our Olympic Parade, where the junior infants and first class children will be dressed in their chosen country's colours and marching around the yard. Please feel free to come along to this event and support your child's class, it will begin at 9.30am.
Here is a list of the countries each class has chosen:
Junior Infants

  • Mr Donovan's Class-South Korea
  • Mrs Cummins' Class- Portugal
  • Ms O Brien's Class-Brazil
  • Ms Meehan's Class-Holland

Senior Infants

  • Ms Keane's Class-France
  • Ms Regan's Class-Germany
  • Mrs Cummins' Class-Japan
  • Ms Feeney's Class-New Zealand

First Class

  • Ms Hickey's Class-Greece
  • Mr Forristal's Class- Italy
  • Ms Harrington's Class- China
  • Mrs Cleary's Class - Poland

Second Class

  • Ms Ní Mhaonaigh's Class- Spain
  • Ms O Brien's Class - Ireland
  • Ms Fagan's Class - USA
  • Ms O Hora's Class - Finland
Make sure your child brings in a potato and a spoon (labelled), an extra drink and a HEALTHY lunch.
For Sports' Day this year we are requesting a contribution of €2 per child to go towards the Oxfam Nepal Appeal following the devastating earthquake that occurred there.
Thanking you in advance and here's hoping the sun continues to shine all week for our fun filled Sports' Days.