Thursday 19 November 2020

Hall noticeboard-Wellbeing Wall

As we work towards our Amber flag, we have some beautiful Wellbeing displays on the hall noticeboards. Mr Donovan is working with the first classes to create a different indicator of SHANARRI every month. 

SHANARRI stands for Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included. These are all indicators for successful well-being. Each month, we will focus on a different indicator. In October we looked at Safety - Road and Fire Safety and Things That Make Me Happy

For November the First Classes all looked at different ways of staying healthy, including eating healthily, getting enough rest/sleep, examining what healthy looks like in school and at home, as well as (importantly) how to wash their hands correctly. 

Well done to all of the First Class children who worked so hard to design our beautiful display boards.