We have nearly finished our Mindful Space outside. When we asked the Second Classes to come up with some designs for our Wellness area outside, we got lots of rainbow inspired entries. This formed the basis of our Mindful Space.
A rainbow was painted and the inspirational quote "Be a Rainbow, in Someone Else's Cloud" added to the wall. A lovely reminder every morning as we walk past it, to always spread happiness and try bringing a bit of joy to someone's life, as you never know what troubles and worries they may have. To add a sensory dimension to the rainbow, the Student Council added coloured lids, collected by the children, to the wall.
As we work our way through yet another lock down, we are all very conscience of our young people's mental health. They have missed out on so much over the past year, with lock down birthdays, not seeing their grandparents, sporting activities and missing out on play dates with their friends. It is not surprising therefore, that so many are bound to carry with them worries and anxiety issues that they might find difficult to express. Looking through the 2nd class art entries, we found a lovely idea of a "Worry Monster", where you feed your worry to the worry monster. We love the idea of having a physical output for the children to express their feelings.