Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge kicked off in St. Peter and Paul’s on March 4th and we’ve all been making a huge effort to speak more Irish throughout the day. The children are being encouraged to use their cúpla focail with a special reward going to the Gaelgóir na Seachtaine in each class.
The children have all entered the seanfhocal art competition, with one lucky winner being chosen from each class.
A highlight of our celebrations was the performance from Mairéad agus Aisling, who played some wonderful traditional Irish music for the children. The children learned about the musical instruments and had great craic clapping and tapping along to the beat.
Seachtain na Gaeilge culminated with our Lá Glas on Thursday the 14th, where the children dressed in green, white and orange.
An exciting ceolchoirm ran throughout the day with performances from every class. Each class level was fantastic.
Room 2 ag canadh Amhráin na bhFiann
Room 4
Room 3 ag canadh "Shotgun"
Míle buíochas to all the teachers and SNAs for preparing the children for all the activities, and to everyone who helped make Seachtain na Gaeilge 2019 such a success.