On Thursday 28th February the author/poet/illustrator Lucinda Jacob visited the four first classes. Each class took part in a poetry workshop. During this time Lucinda first read and discussed some of her poems. The classes have been reading some of her poems over the last few weeks. Her poem ‘The Mountains and the Sea’ is one of their favourites. She answered lots of questions about her poems and about writing poetry. She read some of her poems from her book ‘Hopscotch in the Sky’. She explained about cinquain poetry. A cinquain is a poem with five lines. There is one word on the first line, two on the second line, three on the third line, four on the fourth line and one on the last line. The children worked together to write some cinquain poems. The children loved the visit- they recited some poems they had already learned as a class, asked lots of questions and thought of creative lines to add to their own collective ‘I Am’ poem. After the visit the students had the chance to write their own poems based on what they had explored with the poet.