Wednesday 30 January 2019

Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day
As part of Catholic School's Week, some of the teachers invited grandparents to visit the classroom and see all the wonderful things that their grandchildren are doing in school. It is a great opportunity for them to see where they sit in class, who their friends are and to meet the class teacher.

In Junior Infants, Eva's Granny and Grandad popped into Room 12 to say hello and meet all the children. They all made Grandparents Day cards and Eva presented them with a bunch of daffodils. 

In First Class in Room 8, Emma’s nanny Pauline and Lucy’s granny Breda came to visit the classroom and answered all of the children's questions about their childhood. The boys and girls then performed a poem called ‘Grandparents’ Day’ and sang the song ‘You are my Sunshine’ for the special visitors.  They also made up an acrostic poem about grandparents and what makes them special, listened to a story about grandparents and remembered some happy times that they have spent with their grandparents. Lucy’s granny Breda very kindly baked some delicious buns and cookies for the class which they all  enjoyed!

A BIG thank you to all the grandparents who popped in to visit us today.